The Art of Seeing
“Photography is a love affair with life” • Burg Uzzle
One of my goals in my photography courses is to teach the Art of Seeing. We focus on the little things in everyday life that develop their own beauty if we just give them some attention. Having the courage to do so inspires creativity and opens the door to a new way of taking pictures. With my many years of experience and a lot of empathy and help with camera settings, I will introduce you to various topics such as Portraits, Visual Storytelling, Street Photography, Fashion and Nature Photography. The courses are limited to small groups so that I can focus on each participant individually.
Street Photography describes everyday scenes in public places in cities. I will show you how to capture small moments with your camera that bring out seemingly everyday details effectively if you only change the perspective and perceive the surroundings with alert senses. This requires a great deal of sensitivity in dealing with strangers.
Visual Storytelling is about the pictorial telling of spontaneous scenes, that we can illustrate with our model. In a playful way, pictures will be created that convey deeper content and thus become more interesting. At the end we will discuss the results together. The process of selecting and editing the pictures is essential.
For many years I´m teaching at the Summer Academy in Zakynthos, Greece.
In Vienna you can join me at my private workshops with individual groups. They last 3,5 hours and cost 95.- Euro. If you are interested please send me your e-mail and I´ll put you on my mailing list.
portrait and story telling • vienna
dance photography • vienna
story telling • vienna
story telling • vienna
portrait and fashion • vienna
portrait and fashion • munich
portrait and story telling • vienna
portrait and story telling • vienna
story telling • vienna
storytelling • vienna
storytelling • vienna
portrait • vienna
portrait • vienna
streetphotography • vienna
Thanks a lot for the references of some of my participants:
“I can really recommend to take lessons with Andrea. It is impressive to see my own development since I took several courses with her. She helped me to “dare” more, see the details from different perspectives and to trust in my own way of taking pictures. I enjoy the workshops with her very much - it is always different, inspiring, surprising and joyful. I am really thankful and happy that I had the opportunity to get to know Andrea and to learn from her.” Shirly
“After taking thousands of photographs in genres like nature, landscape, cityscape for many years, I felt, its time to try something different. Luckily, I met Andrea at a street photography session. The first steps were quite unfamiliar to me, but after joining some of her portrait workshops in interesting locations within Vienna I got totally inspired in taking pictures of people. The workshops are characterised by an unconventional approach that not only derives from Andrea’s personality and creative potential but also from the fact that she is always working with models that have little experience with modelling. That helps to create unusual and natural images in a very relaxed atmosphere. Recently, Andrea started to teach visual storytelling, which is quite a challenge, but therefore extremely rewarding as it pushes my creativity to the next level. Apart from this, Andrea also offers the opportunity to review the images in separate evening sessions, which is extremely helpful for continuous improvement of ones skills. Looking forward to attend some of her next workshops.” Wolfgang
“The workshops with Andrea are great fun! The mood is relaxed and there is a lot of laughter. Andrea chats from the sewing box, explains, gives suggestions and tips and is on hand with advice and action. I have always met very nice and interesting people. My camera and I feel very comfortable with Andrea.” Petra
Me with my models Lilith and Ephraim
Shirly in action
all making-of pictures © Wolfgang Harnisch