weltmuseum, vienna • exhibition metamorphosis.brazil 1998
weltmuseum, vienna • exhibition metamorphosis.brazil 1998
weltmuseum, vienna • exhibition metamorphosis.brazil 1998 with the series earth from my river, brazil 1998 and sculptures from Izer Campos
weltmuseum, vienna • exhibition metamorphosis.brazil 1998 with the series earth from my river, brazil 1998 and sculptures from Izer Campos
weltmuseum, vienna • exhibition metamorphosis.brazil 1998 with the series rainforest deforestation, brazil 1998
weltmuseum, vienna• exhibition metamorphosis.brazil 1998• opening ©sascha osaka
weltmuseum, vienna• exhibition metamorphosis.brazil 1998• opening with izer campos ©clemens kneringer
weltmuseum, vienna• exhibition metamorphosis.brazil 1998• opening with izer campos ©clemens kneringer
weltmuseum, vienna• exhibition metamorphosis.brazil 1998• opening ©wolfgang harnisch
weltmuseum, vienna• exhibition metamorphosis.brazil 1998• opening ©wolfgang harnisch
all photographs from the series “earth from my river”are gelatin silver prints and available in different formats and limited editions.
Part of the sales price will be donated to a rainforest project. Please contact me for further information: andrea@altemueller.de
zacherlfabrik, vienna • exhibition horizons, in space & time and forests 2017
zacherlfabrik, vienna • exhibition horizons, in space & time and forests 2017
zacherlfabrik, vienna • exhibition horizons, in space & time and forests 2017
zacherlfabrik, vienna • opening
zacherlfabrik, vienna • exhibition horizons, in space & time and forests 2017 • opening with “los muchachos”
zacherlfabrik, vienna • exhibition horizons, in space & time and forests 2017 • horse headed fiddle with the mongolian musician Javkaa
zacherlfabrik, vienna • exhibition horizons, in space & time and forests 2017 • fashion show with the cashmere sisters
ausstellungsraum eulengasse • book fare frankfurt 2013 • portraits of artists and architects brazil 2012
ausstellungsraum eulengasse • book fare frankfurt 2013 • portraits of artists and architects brazil 2012
museu da imagem, braga, portugal • exhibition horizons & forests 2012
museu da imagem, braga, portugal • exhibition horizons & forests 2012
museu da imagem, braga, portugal • exhibition horizons & forests 2012
centro dragão do mar, fortaleza, brazil • collective exhibition áqua water • artists from ponte cultura 2009
centro dragão do mar, fortaleza, brazil • collective exhibition áqua water • swimming pools 2009
paris photo • represented by eric franck fine arts, london • swimming pools 2007
2019/20 weltmuseum, vienna, austria • metamorphosis. brazil 1998
2017 zacherlfabrik, vienna, austria • horizons, in space & time and forests
2013 gallery eulengasse, frankfurt, germany • portraits of artists- and designers
2012 museu da imagem, braga, portugal • horizons and forests
2010 sp-arte, são paulo, brazil • swimming pools
2009 centro dragão do mar, fortalezza, brazil • swimming pools
2007 paris photo, france • represented by eric franck fine arts, london
2007 gallery fürstenstrasse 8, munich, germany • swimming pools
2005 farmani gallery, los angeles, usa • paris noir
2004 paris photo, france • represented by eric franck fine arts, london
2004 aipad, new york, usa • represented by eric franck fine arts, london
2003 paris photo, france • represented by eric franck fine arts, london
2002 paris photo, france • represented by eric franck fine arts, london
2001 paris photo, france • represented by eric franck fine arts, london
2000 banco personnalité itaú, são paulo, brazil • prater, vienna
2000 fundação cultural de blumenau, brazil • prater, vienna
1999 tempel d`arpillarques, nimes, france • earth from my river
1999 designhaus röder esslingen, germany • earth from my river
banco espirito santo collection, lisboa, portugal
bibliothèque national, paris, france
daimler art collection, stuttgart, germany
eric franck fine arts, london, uk
galeria multiarte, são paulo/rio, brasilien
lbs stuttgart, germany
staatsgalerie stuttgart, germany
private collections
eric franck fine arts, london, uk
farmani gallery, usa
galeria multiarte, são paulo/rio, brazil
stock 4b, munich, germany